Mid-Missouri Conservation
Eagle Bluffs Conservation Area
Driving down the gravel roads of Eagle Bluffs Conservation Area, one will find 17 pools, 30 miles of levees and thousands of birds. The 4,431 acre area sits along the Missouri River and is home to numerous species of birds and wildlife. The Missouri River ran right on top of the conservation area before it changed course in the late 1800’s, according to the Missouri Department of Conservation. Now, the river and its accompanying levee system provide supplemental flooding of the area’s pools, which then provide habitats for water loving birds. On an October morning, Mallard ducks, Red-winged Blackbirds, Song Sparrows, European Starlings, Canada Geese and Common Crows can be seen, and heard, making their homes or travel stops at Eagle Bluffs. In addition to being a home for birds, Eagle Bluffs Conservation Area is a place for people to enjoy the outdoors. Visitors are able to hike, fish and hunt at the conservation area.